Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance or PLI is a form of liability insurance necessary to help protect businesses in the service or consultant industry. A claim of negligence can be very damaging to a growing business and if the claim results in monetary damages can be catastrophic.
At Promark Insurance we have the experience and expertise to evaluate the risks associated with your service or consultative related business or profession and provide appropriate coverage through one of our highly rated insurance companies.
Our Professional Practice Areas Include:
Accountants - Learn More
Coverage Information: Whether you are a CPA, notary public, trustee, receiver, consultant or executor, accounting professionals face an array of exposure in the normal course of business that can result in a claim for negligence.
ContractorsSpeciality Services Risk Management Seminars Comprehensive Coverage & Risk Analysis Competitive Professional Liability Insurance
Design Professionals: Architects, Engineers, Land Surveyors, Construction Managers, Interior Designers, Environmental Consultants, Technical Consultants and Scientists are among ...
Coverage Information: Often referred to as Medical Malpractice or MedMal insurance, this protects healthcare providers from malpractice claims
Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance: Whether you are looking to cover a large law practice with many attorneys, smaller practices.
Real Estate Errors & Omissions: Real estate professionals work in an industry that can make you a prime target for lawsuits.